Fertility Treatments (IVF)

Research and testing for the treatment of infertility has been a medical concern since the time of Hippocrates. However, in 1978 a breakthrough occurred in the treatment of infertility through the development of 'in-vitro fertilization', or IVF. Since 1989, infertile couples in Türkiye have been offered IVF, and the treatment has resulted in thousands of babies being delivered.

For some couples, IVF is their only option should they want children, and Türkiye has been offering it with high success rates at various centers and clinics for many years.

Fertility Treatments


Who needs IVF?

Difficulty in conceiving can be linked to hard to address problems with the male partner, such as poor sperm quality or a low sperm count, or the female partner, such as endometriosis, a low ovarian reserve or tubal abnormalities. These couples and also for those without medical reasons but who cannot conceive can benefit from fertility treatments.

Treatment Methods

Fertility Treatments

A fertility treatment must be individualized and tailored to meet an individual's specific clinical condition or problem. The patient's history, test results and their social-clinical criteria will be closely determined, and the recommended treatment option will be based on this analysis.  


Important Points / Adverse Effects


A couple aiming to have a child should not have a health problem which might endanger either the pregnancy or the mother's life. Aside from this, there are no firm contraindications for IVF treatments.

Since the medications used for induction are hormone-based, side effects such as mood changes, abdominal discomfort, edemas, headaches, hot flashes, dizziness, or an increase in breast sensitivity may be experienced during the stimulation phase of fertility treatments. A spotting type of bleeding and/or abdominal pain and discomfort may occur after embryo transfer, but do not require the use of any medicine.

What to do before the treatment?


The first step is to take the initial tests*. Please note that you need to take these tests in your country and send the results to be evaluated by our specialists to avoid any inconvenience.






These tests are:




  • The levels of the following hormones on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle: FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH and estradiol.
  • An ultrasound on any day to check the lining of the uterus.

* If the tests cannot be taken in your country of residence we will be more than happy to help you at your arrival if you plan to have your fertility treatment through Remed.


Fertility Treatment Phases:



1st phase:


Induction of ovulation and follicular monitoring (starts on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle with tests and medication, lasts about 12 to 13 days).






2nd phase:


Follicular puncture + ICSI (at the end of supervision)






3rd phase:


Blastocyst stage embryo transfer (3-5 days after egg collection)





The fertility treatment takes approximately 21 days from start to finish.




ICSI procedures are regularly performed. Unlike IVF, where the sperm and egg are placed in the same petri dish, where fertilization should occur by itself, ICSI, also known as micro-injection, does not gamble on the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, since it injects a single sperm cell into the egg using micro needles. In cases of male infertility, such as azoospermia or a previous vasectomy, A TESE procedure must be performed. Female ovulation problems, such as endometriosis, PCOS, blocked (fallopian) tubes and other biological issues specific to women are all reasons to use IVF/ICSI.

PGD (embryo biopsy) can be performed for couples who have had multiple IVF failures and/or a family history of hereditary diseases. In this case, a single cell is removed and sent to the genetic laboratory department for chromosome analysis. It is also possible to use laser-assisted hatching and blastocyst embryo transfer (embryonic day 5) if needed. These are all favourable IVF techniques which improve embryo implantation and therefore the chance of pregnancy.




Fertility Treatment Options:
We offer two options:


Option 1: Complete fertility treatment (around 20 days)
The couple will arrive on the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle and stay for 20 days. All three phases will be applied – ICSI, blastocyst embryo transfer and medication.

Option 2: Fertility Treatment in three stages: Country of residence (around 13 days) – Treatment Abroad Destination (around 8 days)
The first stage of fertility treatment can be undertaken in your country of residence. We can cooperate with your own gynaecologist. Just after the monitoring period (around the 13th day of the menstrual cycle), the couple will arrive for the 2nd and 3rd stages -ICSI, blastocyst embryo transfer.

Everything to do with your fertility treatment and your accomodation can be organized by Remed Assistance:

To make your medical treatment a pleasant experience, Remed Assistance guides you through the process by offering you a personalized treatment plan based on it thorough assessment of key health facilities equipped with the best standards in high-quality care, technological infrastructure and health professionals.

Following your individual needs, your plans and your budget, Remed can also organize complete packages for stress-free medical travel at the destination you prefer.





  • Medical assistance for the evaluation and translation of medical records
  • Preparation of plans and making appointments at the hospital/clinic
  • Airport-hotel-hospital transfers
  • Personal assistance 24/7 and interpreter services
  • Emergence center available 24/7

Even after your return, Remed Assistance will be available for any future request.

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