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10 Frequently Asked Questions by the Patients Regarding VASER Liposuction

10 Frequently Asked Questions by the Patients Regarding VASER Liposuction

1. What is VASER Liposuction?

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. VASER liposuction is one of the latest liposuction methods, which includes removing the unwanted fat from various parts of the body by using ultrasound waves. With the help of the ultrasound waves, the fat deposits are easily broken down.

2. How is VASER Liposuction performed?

VASER Liposuction is an outpatient operation and it is performed under general anaesthesia. However, for smaller areas, local anesthesia or sedation may be used. The type of anesthesia depends on the health of the patient, the fat amount in the area to be treated and the broadness of the area.

3. How Much Time Does VASER Liposuction Take?

VASER Liposuction may take between 1 to 4 hours.

4. How Does VASER Liposuction Differ From Traditional Liposuction?

As VASER Liposuction uses the state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to break up the stubborn fat, it visibly eliminates the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction.

The sound waves used in the VASER liposuction target only fat cells and do not harm some important tissues (such as connective tissue, vessels and nerves), unlike traditional liposuction.

While traditional liposuction leaves a wavy and dimpling skin after the operation, after VASER Liposuction, the patient does not experience it and can quickly return to the daily routine.

5. To which areas of the body can VASER Liposuction be performed?

VASER Liposuction can be performed to hips, buttocks, cheeks, chin, neck, legs, arms, chest, inner knees, waist, inner and outer thighs and tummy.

6. How many areas can the surgeon treat in one VASER liposuction session?

VASER Liposuction can be applied to 3-4 areas for an average patient at one liposuction surgery. However, please note that this can change from patient to patient.

7. Can VASER Liposuction be used for both men and women?

Yes, of course. VASER Liposuction can be used for both men and women. Men who wish for six-pack ab and women who want to shape their body by removing the stubborn and fatty issues can can take the advantage of VASER Liposuction.
VASER Liposuction is one of the best solutions for breast enlargement in men, namely gynecomastia. VASER Liposuction has a strong effect on the hard breast tissue in men. The fat that is formed in the breast is melted by ultrasound waves, it is taken out and then the skin is tightened.

8. When can I return to my daily routine after VASER Liposuction?

In VASER Liposuction, the healing process is very fast. As this method does not damage muscles, vessels and connective tissue, there are less bruises, bleeding and redness on the areas that are operated. That’s why, you can start your normal life within 3 days. It takes about 1 month to reach the normal structure of the body.

9. Which season is suitable for having VASER Liposuction?

VASER Liposuction can be done in any season. Weather conditions do not have a positive or negative effect on the recovery period.

10. After VASER Liposuction, what do I expect?

After Vaser Liposuction, you need to use corset for 3 weeks. The bruises will be light and heal very quickly. You may have swelling during the healing period, which is very normal. However, after you have completed the first week, the swelling and bruises go away. In 3 and 6 months, you will get beautiful results that you will notice, feel more confident.